Free Your Machine Installation Script


Downloads and configures to the user's decision
recommended packages and configurations.


Ubuntu 10.04
Canonical has done some "nice" things. You'll have to enable the new Canonical repo for some of this to work. To fix this eventually I'm just going to have the script detect whether this is a Debian based distro or an Ubuntu based distro and completely change what the user can see.


Dowload FYM Script Version 1.1 (04/23/10)


I also recommend enabling as many parts of your repository as possible. For example, in Debian adding contrib and non-free and Ubuntu adding universe and multiverse.
The above can be accomplished via editing /etc/apt/sources.list OR via Synaptic Package Manager in the drop down menu Settings->Repositories


This project is licensed under the UPL.


List of Options (packages):

Default Option (package)
NO Add Vogon Gnome SFTP
YES Add Medibuntu Repository
NO Debian Multimedia Repository
NO Use
NO sun-java6-jdk
YES sun-java6-jre
YES sun-java6-plugin
YES flashplugin-nonfree
YES moonlight-plugin-mozilla moonlight-plugin-core
NO thunderbird
NO eclipse
NO netbeans
YES vim-nox
NO subversion
YES build-essential
YES valgrind
YES manpages-posix manpages-dev gcc-doc glibc-doc
NO ant
NO irssi
YES pidgin pidgin-plugin-pack aspell
YES Add CPLUG IRC Channel to Pidgin
YES gimp
NO Scribus
YES libxrender1 libgl1
YES wine
YES msttcorefonts
YES w32codecs
NO w64codecs
YES libdvdcss2 libdvdread4 libdvdnav4 libxine1
YES gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly
gstreamer0.10-plugins-good gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad
gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse gstreamer0.10-pitfdll
YES MP4 Codec (AAC)
YES gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg libavcodec-unstripped-52 libxine1
libavcodec52 libavformat52 libpostproc51 libswscale0
YES zip unzip
YES rar unrar-nonfree
NO fslint
NO rdesktop
NO wireshark
NO aircrack-ng
NO nmap netcat-openbsd tcpdump
NO avrdude avrdude-doc gcc-avr gdb-avr
NO spim
YES Set swappiness to 40
YES Upgrade all installed applications


04/23/10 - Version 1.1
Upgrade all packages, use or SAN, add a desktop icon, valgrind.
01/01/10 - Version 1.0
First public release

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admin [at} urbanunderworld {dot] net